Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Male Vocal Ranges

Male Vocal Ranges What Are the Different Male Tessiture? ChaptersThe Different Types of Male VoiceFinding and Working on Your Voice Type“Those who wish to sing, always find a song.” - Swedish ProverbMusic is a popular pastime for many but for some, it’s also a job. Across the UK, over 2 million people sing regularly. Everyone has a different voice and they need to learn how to master it.It’s part of our life and who we are. Men and women tend to have different voices due to the size of their vocal cords.So what are the different types of voices? What are the differences between deep voices and high voices? What differentiates a bass from a tenor?In this article, we're going to look at the different types of male voice, the lower ranges and the higher ranges, how you can find out what your voice type is so that you can work on it, and why we classify voice types.Check for popular singing lessons near me here. TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st les son free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsThe Different Types of Male VoiceOur voices can be used for speaking but they can also be used for singing. Whether you’re a member of a choir, doing an opera, or singing in church on a Sunday, your voice is a tool that you should learn how to use and learn what works for it. Your voice is like a tool and you need to work out what it's like and what it can do. (Source: Pexels)Voices can be categorised and have been for a long time. In fact, there are many ways to categorise them. We’ll get to some of those in a bit.As for now, we’ll look at the main types of male voices.Deep VoicesThe deepest male vocal range is the bass voice. There are two main types of bass:Basso cantante, singing bass.Basso profondo, or low bass. This is quite a rare voice type.Famous basses include:Louis ArmstrongLeonard CohenBarry WhiteIke TurnerRay DavisAnd many others!The next vocal range after bass is baritone. This is quite a common voice type and is quite similar to many people’s spoken voice range.There’s also the baritone bass, which, as its name indicates, is lower than baritone but higher than bass. In general, this is usually the range of bad guys in operas, plays, and musicals.Higher Male Vocal RangesThe third type of voice is the tenor. This voice is less dramati c than the two previous types but it’s also more melodic. Luciano Pavarotti was probably the most famous tenor in recent history.Want to improve your vocals? Then, find some singing lessons to take here. Young boys will have a higher voice and this will deepen over time. (Source: Free-Photos)Again, there are two main subcategories of tenor:LeggeroLyric tenorThere’s also the countertenor, which corresponds to the contralto female voice.  While few men can reach these high notes (traditionally, castrati played these roles), this is a special type of voice.Countertenors need a special technique to vibrate their vocal cords in such a way. This vibration allows them to make beautiful gospel music and perform in musicals.The countertenors approach the vocal range of the female contralto voice. However, the male voice tends to have a different quality to the female voice.After all, it’s not just the range that defines a voice. For example, you can play the same note on a guitar and a piano but they won't sound the same. This is also true for people's voices; two different people singing the same note won't sound the same on account of their voice.Finding and Working on Your Voice TypeIn addition to your vocal range, your voice will have certain quality and there are a number of subcategories applied to voice types. However, unless you have perfect pitch, you might not know what kind of voice you have. Working out your voice type will help you pick the right types of songs to sing. (Source: Nadine_Em)If you find yourself between two common voice types, things can get a little complicated. For example, there’s a fine line between countertenor and tenor.Additionally, the classification of voices has become increasingly precise over time.Understanding the Different Types of Male VoiceBefore the 19th century, voices were only classified as either male or female. It was difficult to find a man who sang in a higher range, for example. Then, we started to classify male and female voices as either high or low, which then became tenor, baritone, bass, etc.At the start of the 19th century, even more classifications arose. There were dramatic voices, light voices, lyric voices, basso profondo, basso cantante, etc.  Finally, the idea of power came about and you could be an operetta baritone, a Wagnerian tenor, etc.The power of a man’s voice is as important as a woman's. It’s a cliché th at a man’s voice is deep and powerful. In fact, some male singers have very light voices and there’s a whole range of different voice types and qualities. While men can't be classified as having a mezzo-soprano voice, for example, they can learn more about their timbre and their voice, be it a tenor voice, bass-baritone voice, etc.Find out more about female voice types.How to Find Your VoiceIt’s never been easier to work out your voice type.Why?If you have a piano, keyboard, or even computer handy, you can work out your vocal range. You just need to play notes and see if you can hit them. You’ll get to a point where you can no longer hit the notes. Similarly, there are also books and websites to help you work out where your voice sits in terms of the traditional vocal ranges. In fact, there are even online tools and resources  for working out your voice type. Even within your vocal range, there are different vocal qualities. (Source: bones64)Knowing your voice type will help you find suitable songs that match your range and colour. This will help you improve more quickly and get ready for a concert, for example.  There’s such a wide range of male voices that the sooner you understand which one you’ve got, the quicker you can master it. There’s a huge difference between tenor and bass, after all.We all know that music can be soothing and knowing how to use your voice can make it even more soothing. No matter what voice type you have, you have to understand what your vocal cords are capable of. Your voice is your instrument, after all.It's over to you!You can also learn more about registers from a singing coach or tutor. They can even show you artists with the same tessitura as you. Again, a tutor can help you work out the best repertoire.  If you'd like to learn more about singing, consider getting help from one of the talented tutor s on Superprof. There are three main types of singing tutorial and voice coaching and each type has several advantages and disadvantages so what's right for one student may not be right for another.In face-to-face tutorials, there's just you and the tutor. This means that the tutor can focus on helping you to improve your voice and will put together a bespoke programme for you to follow. These are usually the most costly type of private tutorials since you're paying for all the tutor's time both in and out of class but they're also the most cost-effective.There are also online tutorials where the student is taught via webcam. With the tutor not having to travel to their lessons and being able to schedule more lessons per week, these tend to cost less per hour than face-to-face tutorials. Since the tutor isn't in the room there with you, these tutorials are better for academic subjects rather than vocational ones. If you both have a good microphone and a good internet connection, onl ine tutorials are a great option for those wanting to learn to sing on a budget.Finally, there are also tutors offering group tutorials. If you and a group of friends are interested in learning how to sing, you could hire a tutor together and divide the cost of the tutor's time. Of course, you won't get as much individual attention from your singing coach as you would in the other types of tutorials but you will pay less per hour per student.No matter which type of singing coach you go for, they'll be able to help you work out your voice type, plan lessons that can help you improve your voice, and suggest songs and activities that work best with your tessitura.Don't forget that many of the tutors on Superprof also offer free tuition for the first hour! Use this to try a few different tutors and see who you get along with.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn to Sing in Key with a Voice Coach

Learn to Sing in Key with a Voice Coach Take Singing Lessons Stop Hitting the Wrong Notes ChaptersWhat Is Singing Out of Tune?How Can You Sing In Tune?Is There a Specific Age for Having Private Singing Tutorials?Can You Get a Musical Ear?The Best Methods for Correcting Your Vocal Cords“Songs are the heartbeat of man.” - AnonymousSo many people dream of being a singer as famous as the stars. There are also plenty of aspiring singers who want to be the champion of the X Factor or The Voice.  Unfortunately, not everyone has what it takes to be a singing sensation, though a vocal coach could help.If this is the case, their goals might be a little less ambitious: try to sing like their downstairs neighbour who, while really loud and annoying, can sing and hit every note. There are plenty of different reasons why people are learning how to sing.In the past, classical music (though it wasn't classical at the time!) was an integral part of everyday rural life: the father would sing operettas while shaving, the mother would sing a lullaby to their child, Gregorian chants were being sung in churches and cathedrals, and labourers would sing various work anthems as they toiled away in the fields.Things have changed since then. These musical masterpieces are rarely performed by the families themselves and the lullabies that would be performed at the time of Mozart have been replaced with tablets and YouTube.However, without practising regularly, most of us are far from being anywhere near as good as Pavarotti. Even less so when we have to sing in public.Did you know that singing in the shower is so common that a number of famous artists have even recorded music in tiled rooms to emulate it?It’s never too late to start, though! Even if you start learning to sing later on in life, you can achieve some impressive results if you put in the hard work and find someone to help you, whether you want to sing for fun or go pro! TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discov er all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Is Singing Out of Tune?This expression has made its way into common parlance so much so that almost everyone knows what it means.  However, is “singing out of tune” just when somebody sings the notes so badly that the song is no longer enjoyable?This will depend on who you’re asking.  In some cases, the singer mightn’t be very familiar with the melody and make a few mistakes while still technically singing acceptable notes.In other cases, the singer lacks the musical education and ear to tell whether or not their hitti ng the notes or whether they’re just hitting the wrong ones.Whether you're a bass, baritone, or countertenor, you can still dream of playing the world's best opera houses. (Source: Flash Bros)The latter is just a case of being a “bad singer”. We’re more interested in those with a voice capable of hitting notes.Most of the time, this boils down to proprioception and one’s ability to use the parts of the body involved in singing.  It’s important to remember that singing a wrong note, while horrible at the time, is not the end of the world.You’ll see: you’ll soon be able to sign up to a singing competition and make it to the semifinals. It’s your time to shine!  Even in the event that you lack the ability, there are singing teachers who are more than capable of helping people learn to sing better than they’d ever expect.Of course, this does mean that it’ll be harder for you than someone who’s just naturally musically gifted. In this case, you should take joy in every single singing challenge you overcome.How Can You Sing In Tune?If you stop singing out of tune, you’ll obviously start singing in tune. After all, your vocal cords are muscles designed to make any given note within your vocal range. If you're a bass, for example, it's going to be difficult to hit the high notes.Singing in key is knowing how to make any given note with your vocal cords and vocal exercises and vocal training can help you to do this.  Put simply, you have to imagine that your vocal cords can make notes in the same way that each key on a piano can make a different note.After all, when you hit a piano key, a hammer hits a wire (which is much like a cord). The size and tension of each wire makes it produce a specific note. When this tension isn’t right, a piano will require tuning.  Fortunately for you, the internet is full of videos and tutorials that will help you learn how to make your voice do exactly the same as a fine-tuned piano.There are plenty of tips, too, which are really effective for helping you find the resting position for your larynx, for example. While we don’t often think about it, one of the biggest causes of hitting false notes is stress!  In the same way that the pressure can get to top athletes, a singer’s performance can be negatively effected by anxiety and stress.You need to relax and be fully aware of just how important breathing is when you sing. When you sing a song, your voice teacher will be there to help you learn how to correctly use your diaphragm as well as providing you with warm up exercises and vocal coaching. Being aware of how your body works and having an understanding of music theory can also help! TraceySinging Teacher 4.92 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PortiaSinging Teacher 4.91 (11) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolaSinging Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JazzSinging Teacher 5.00 (6) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PerrineSinging Teacher 5.00 (3) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TiemSinging Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TomSinging Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MiriamSinging Teacher 5.00 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsIs There a Specific Age for Having Private Singing Tutorials?A beautiful singing voice, while often an innate gift, can also be encouraged in some cases if the child is taught from a very young age.  We’d recommend that new parents to try to raise a musical prodigy as early as they can as it could result in giving their child a huge advantage later in life.Learning to sing in key later in life can be more difficult (though far from impossible). Of course, as you age, your muscles, including your vocal cords, tighten and become less effective.While it's better to learn to sing from a young age, you're never too old to improve. (Source: Thibault Trillet)People in the UK are quite famous for being terrible at foreign languages.  Sadly, the same is generally true when it comes to singing.  Some languages, like Chinese with its various tones, can help people become better at singing and understanding pitch. Unfortunately, English is not a tonal language.We don’t tend to sing very often in school, either. While we may learn a few nursery rhymes, it’s very rare that we’re being taught by an actual music teacher in primary school.Keep in mind, there's no age limit when it comes to singing success. Remember that when Susan Boyle had her audition on Britain's Got Talent, she was 47 years old!Can You Get a Musical Ear?It’s very common that those who can’t sing in tune tend to have not learnt much about music or music theory. There are a lot of people who’ve just learnt to sing in order to sing along to their favourite songs.  Without discussing amusia (the case in which someone is unable to process pitch), there are those who are unable to distinguish between three different notes being played on the piano due to a lack of practice.In this kind of situation, a bit of music theory and singing tips will go a long way towards helping them better understand music and being able to recognise different notes. They should also:listen to good music with plenty of melodies and harmonies (for tips on getting started, check out our blog on the world's most beautiful songs)listen to music being sung while following the sheet music for said pieceTo become a better musician, why not consider learning to play piano or guitar? (Source: Wikimedia Commons)They should also keep in mind that it’s very rare for anyone to be born with perfect pitch and this is something that will take them absolute years to fully understand. Beginners are probably going to need voice lessons in order to improve their technique and their understanding of music theory.Similarly, don’t be jealous of those that do have perfect pitch. Instead, you should ask them to help you so tha t you can copy their techniques and steadily get closer to their level.Check out some singing lessons Brighton.The Best Methods for Correcting Your Vocal CordsUntil now, we’ve been looking at the fundamental steps to avoid singing out of key:learn more about the physical properties of singinglearn how to sing in tunework on your musical earlisten to yourself singingIf you start with these steps, you won’t need a magic solution. There are plenty of great tips and tricks that can help you sing in tune without wishing.  There are also plenty of online platforms that can help you manage this (since there’s no way you’re going to become a famous singer overnight).The most traditional method, while hardly the most interesting, is the most effective: sing diatonic scales, chromatic scales, and other arpeggios. Obviously, the best way to do this is with the assistance of a singing teacher. There are plenty of singing exercises, vocal techniques, and ways to warm up for all voices th at your tutor will teach you. They'll also help you to breathe correctly, sing with confidence, and get over stage fright.If you're an absolute beginner, you should start by studying an instrument that won’t require you to have a perfect musical ear (so not the violin) alongside your vocal lessons.  Take the piano, for example. Not only is this good ear training, it will also help you start singing with the right notes. It’s the easiest way to start. Just like having a tuning fork for every note.Learning to sing requires a lot of mimicry: you’ll need to which note you have to sing and you’ll also have to correctly replicate it when you sing it.  Once you’ve decided to learn how to sing in key, you’re going to have to put in a lot of work. Singing lessons with a teacher or private tutor are useful as the tutor can adapt their lessons to your strengths and weaknesses and dedicate extra time to the things you’re struggling with.In short, you could say that the more you si ng, the better you sing, and the more you listen, the better you sing! Don't forget that when looking for a voice coach, there are also online singing lessons over Skype.

How to Improve Your Personal Development

How to Improve Your Personal Development Everything You Need to Know About Self-Help ChaptersWhy is Personal Growth so ImportantPersonal and Professional Development SkillsManaging Your Personal Development Plans with Self-ConfidencePersonal Development Resources, Books and Exercises10 Tips for Your Development ProcessFrom career development and management skills to emotional intelligence and self-awareness, personal development can help advance your personal goals, increase student success, or simply give your CV skills a boost. Here’s everything you need to know about the field and how to get started in it.Develop personally developed to do lists for your self-improvement plan   TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal developmen t Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhy is Personal Growth so ImportantWhile terms like mindfulness and hard skills may sound very distant from your everyday jargon, they’re part of a skill and concept that can help improve yourself individually and professionally: personal development.While many have heard about personal development goals and skills under its many different aliases, such as self-help or self-improvement, the basic ideas behind each is the same. All of these self-growth schemes involve setting and accomplishing development goals and skills such as nonverbal communication or learning a new language.The foundation of personal development has been, for the most part, influenced by the work of psychologist Abraham Maslow and his “hierarchy of needs.” Without going into too much detail of what each step of this pyramid of needs means, the general theory behind it is that self-knowledge and actualization is not achievable, or less effective, without meeting other needs first.These needs involve things basic necessities like safety, food, shelter â€" but also extend to cover things like respect in your personal and work life. If you’d like to understand why personal development is an important field, it’s because of its ability to change your life.Within the field of self-improvement, life is something you have complete control over. Using the ideas formed by Maslow’s pyramid, you will be able to perform a more honest self-assessment about what you have and the goals you should aim to accomplish. Practicing this new habit in self-assessing before setting any goal can also enhance your ability to achieve your goals.Find self-development courses here.P ersonal and Professional Development SkillsBefore getting started on developing any growth and development strategies, you should get acquainted with the skills that will allow you to execute your development plan with more precision and passion.The field of personal development as well as development programs themselves have undergone some changes over the past two decades. With the proliferation of technology and online tools, it is now easier than ever to try many different methods to tap into your human potential.Before you get to working on your personal or transferable job skills, start by understanding the basics of what development skills actually are. One of the most important development skills to refine over the course of your journey is goal setting.While many people think they’re great at goals setting, many of us let our bad habits get in the way of accomplishing our personal targets. This is because many people don’t set goals the right way. Psychological studies over the years have proven that, regardless of whether you’re working on professional skills and career goals or are simply trying to accomplish new life skills, setting achievable and difficult goals leads to better results.Whether you’re getting into personal development for career purposes or simply want to build a better rapport with your neighbours, you don’t need a mentor or a life coach to start fine tuning your goal setting skills.Another important skills that will help give your personal and career exploration projects better results is learning to define personal development in a way that is tailored to your personal goals. This can be accomplished by looking at the broad categories self-improvement normally falls under:Career goalsIndividual or personal goalsSelf-knowledge goalsDeveloping yourself is often a lifelong pursuit involving many different aspects of your life. Allowing yourself to practice building definitions around one of these three categories will not only help give your plan focus but also give it an adaptability for life’s changing priorities. While career goals tend to involve things like PowerPoint presentation skills, individual goals fall under elements such as exercise and mental health.Self-knowledge, on the other hand, is a category that deals with the skill set involved in learning new skills such as writing skills, language skills, or academic skills. One example of this type of goal can be trying to learn programming for fun.Career counseling can take on many forms, including taking a break for yourself everyday TraceyPersonal development Teacher 4.92 (9) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AntonellaPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors IsamPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (3) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndriyPersonal development Teacher £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MichelePersonal development Teacher 4.73 (7) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlloydPersonal development Teacher 5.00 (11) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliverPersonal development Teacher 4.33 (4) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsManaging Your Personal Development Plans with Self-ConfidenceDeveloping a personal development plant involves three simple steps. While the steps themselves are simple to learn, they will require varying degrees of work depending on what exactly you’re looking to improve.The first step in your self-improvement plan involves an idea we’ve already discussed: set goals. However, if you need any more persuasion that this step is extremely vital to your development plans, look no further than the studies performed by Locke and Latham.Setting goals that you think may be too difficult might be the perfect recipe for success. In their study, Edwin Locke and Gary Latham found that s etting hard, clear goals helped the participants work harder and for longer to achieve them.The second step in your plan should involve time management. Whether you’re working on your employability skills or people skills, it will be necessary that you plan out what each stage of accomplishing your goal will entail and how long it will take to complete each of those tasks.The third step involves drawing up a list of what materials you will need to accomplish your goals. With these three steps in mind, you will be able to draft a personal development plan tailor made to your specific needs and budget.A couple of things you can keep in mind while you start your journey is to identify bad habits and maintain a positivity work ethic. While having a positive attitude will help you in your assertiveness to tackle any obstacle productively and effectively, identifying bad habits like procrastination will allow you to stop these obstacles from hindering your progress.Personal Development Resources, Books and ExercisesWhether you need help crafting your development plans, want to work on personality development or simply need direction in career planning, using self-help resources can give your skills list and determination a boost.There are many traditional resources which not only walk you through building a personal development plan but also help you work on things like professional and people skills. One example of this kind of resource can be found through the hundreds of novels written every year dealing with transferable skills, exercise and more.Over the past decades, however, self-development materials have gotten a 21st-century update. While social media has revolutionized the way people understand things like conflict management and connect over health issues, podcasts have paved the way for a greater number of creators to help the masses.One great example of this is the “Beyond the To Do List” podcast hosted by Erik Fisher. If you have trouble with st ress management or anxiety caused by personal and professional workloads, this podcast can teach you a lot about how to be a bit more productive.Self-help resources don’t just have to do with novels and podcasts, but can also come in the form of online webinars. Whether these webinars are created by professionals in the industry or are simply the work of average people wanting to give advice, this type of resource is often most helpful for people who feel like they do best with some sort of guidance.Another resource to tap into for goal setting, employability or leadership skills is your community. Becoming more involved in lessons, workshops and volunteer opportunities that interest you in your own community can provide you with local support for any of your personal projects or professional endeavours.Achieve your goals by having a detailed plan10 Tips for Your Development ProcessNow that you know about the origins of personal development and how to get started with implementing it in your own life, here are some tips to make the process a bit easier. Whether you’re working on non-verbal and verbal communication, conflict resolution or interpersonal skills â€" these tips can make your journey a bit easier.If you need help solving problems related to your personal skills plans, taking the step of practicing mindfulness in the face of any obstacle will often give you the clarity you need to resolve many issues effectively. Mindfulness is similar to meditation and can take on many forms, where the most useful of which for the development process is its most basic form.Mindfulness is a combination of breathing and mental exercises whose goal is to clear your mind of everything but the thoughts of your breathing pattern. Thinking of anything else while practicing mindfulness meditation isn’t considered a failure. In fact, pinpointing the most persistant thoughts can often lead you to learn new things about why you may be feeling stressed or anxious.Another tip is to practice development on a daily basis. Whether you’re taking development courses on public speaking or are learning to play a new instrument, taking simple steps everyday to focus on your self-improvement can facilitate in reaching your goals. Keeping in constant touch with your progress by journaling or by getting advice from a career center are some examples of how to implement this.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Stop dreading meeting new people - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Stop dreading meeting new people - Introvert Whisperer Stop dreading meeting new people If you’re like a lot of people, the idea of going to an event full of strangers is right up there with a root canal.  You get tongue-tied simply knowing how to start up a conversation, and after a couple of painful minutes you run out of things to say.  Awkward.   You never have to dread encounters with new people ever again.   Networking and building relationships is vital to your career. The good news is, you can master the process without a complete personality makeover.   Although the book was written by an introvert for other introverts, you don’t have to be one to discover these techniques works for everyone.   Designed as a four-part guide, each part (or Pillar as the author calls them) builds on the other to give you a framework you can apply now and throughout your career.   Here’s what you will discover:   Pillar #1 The building blocks necessary to develop ALL relationships, both professional and personal Pillar #2  Where the best and worst places are to expand your network and meet new people Pillar #3  Effective ways to engage and interact with everyone, including new people you meet, starting from how you begin a conversation all the way to how to end a conversation Pillar #4 How to maintain your network long-term and keep your momentum going   Finally there’s guidance for networking that won’t make you cringe or embarrass you.  You will quickly gain the confidence and mastery of networking that you thought was only for the lucky few.   If you liked “Quiet” or “How to Win Friends Influence People” you’ll want to put this book on your list.   “We all know networking matters.  Great jobs and great opportunities all seem to flow from great relationships. Despite knowing the importance and virtue of networking, I have always been reluctant to engage in it.  I loved the approach particularly in Pillar #3: strategies on how to engage with your network and create lasting, mutually beneficial connections.  I particularly liked the specific tips on how to both start and end conversations (something I had struggled with in the past).  Thanks for writing this great book.”  Ben Sands, Best-Selling Author â€" Regret-Free Personal Finance Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by If you’re like a lot of people, the idea of going to an event full of strangers is right up there with a root canal.  You get tongue-tied simply knowing how to start up a conversation, and after a couple of painful minutes you run out of things to say.  Awkward.   You never have to dread encounters with new people ever again.   Networking and building relationships is vital to your career. The good news is, you can master the process without a complete personality makeover.   Although the book was written by an introvert for other introverts, you don’t have to be one to discover these techniques works for everyone.   Designed as a four-part guide, each part (or Pillar as the author calls them) builds on the other to give you a framework you can apply now and throughout your career.   Here’s what you will discover:   Pillar #1 The building blocks necessary to develop ALL relationships, both professional and personal Pillar #2  Where the best and worst places are to expand your network and meet new people Pillar #3  Effective ways to engage and interact with everyone, including new people you meet, starting from how you begin a conversation all the way to how to end a conversation Pillar #4 How to maintain your network long-term and keep your momentum going   Finally, there’s guidance for networking that won’t make you cringe or embarrass you.  You will quickly gain the confidence and mastery of networking that you thought was only for the lucky few.   If you liked “Quiet” or “How to Win Friends Influence People” you’ll want to put this book on your list.   “We all know networking matters.  Great jobs and great opportunities all seem to flow from great relationships. Despite knowing the importance and virtue of networking, I have always been reluctant to engage in it.  I loved the approach particularly in Pillar #3: strategies on how to engage with your network and create lasting, mutually beneficial connections.  I particularly liked the specific tips on how to both start and end conversations (something I had struggled with in the past).  Thanks for writing this great book.”  Ben Sands, Best-Selling Author â€" Regret-Free Personal Finance Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.   Grab yours by visiting: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. Get your copy now: Easier Networking “For Introverts The Socially Reluctant”   Audiobook: Click here for the Audiobook Version!

Using Adjectives as Nouns English Grammar Video and Exercise

Using Adjectives as Nouns English Grammar Video and Exercise In English we can talk about categories by turning an adjective into a noun. This can be especially helpful when writing and it should be studied by anyone taking the TOEFL, CAE, IELTS, or First Certificate tests. We take the adjective and add the definite article the in front of it, i.g. good-the good: The good always wins in movies.It makes it easier to talk about groups of people, specifically in social terms. For example, poor people = the poor. We dont often want to make generalizations of groups of people saying they all have similar qualities, however it is useful and efficient when discussing political and social policies. Watch the video and see if you can complete the exercise below:Transform the following sentences using adjectives as nouns. Example: Old people and young people need to come together on the issue of public transportation. The old and the young need to come together on the issue of public transportation.1. Educated people are running the country. 2. Rich pe ople have a lot of advantages over poor people. 3. Old people are encouraged to get the flu shot. 4. Homeless men, women, and children are advised to find shelter in churches or public shelters for the next few night. 5. Unemployed people should move to find work. 6. Living people must respect the wishes of the dead.Now fill in the gap with (a, the, or ) 1. My grandmother was ______ poor growing up. 2. The government doesnt help ______poor these days. 3. Mario is _____ right for this job. 4. I think Andrew is ______ right person for this job. 5. Her boyfriend is quite a bit older than her but he is _____nice. 6. ______good should triumph over _______bad in the end.

How to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School

How to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School The Lady Eleanor Holles School Type: Independent day school for girls, ages 7 - 18 Fees: Junior School: £5,231 Senior School: £6,315 Registration fee: £100 Deposit: £1,300 The Lady Eleanor Holles School fees include stationary and textbooks. Given sufficient notice, the deposit will also be refunded upon your daughter’s leave from the school. For more details, please contact LEH’s Director of Finance. Current Head: Heather Hanbury About The Lady Eleanor Holles School LEH was founded in the early eighteenth century under the will of its namesake, Lady Eleanor Holles. Thirteen miles from the London city centre, the 24 acre school site rests in the middle of Hampton, Middlesex, and boasts an indoor swimming pool, Learning Resources Centre, Boat House, and a new Arts Centre. LEH aims to encourage each of its 860 pupils to “develop her values, individuality, strength of character and purpose, and her particular talents, so that she may not only gain personal fulfillment, but be a responsible member of society.” Why is it so popular? In 2015, 80% of LEH A Level candidates and 96% of GCSE candidates received A or A* at their respective examinations. In addition to their high academic achievements, LEH maintains their reputation for excellence in sports and music, and offers opportunities for girls to grow in co-educational spaces with the Hampton School for boys right next door. How do I know if The Lady Eleanor Holles School is right for me? LEH’s Open Events provide you and your daughter with the opportunity to tour the school site, meet students and pupils, and chat with senior staff before deciding whether you would like to apply to the school. The next Open Mornings for Junior School (7+) will be on the 8th and 15th November. The  Senior School (11+) Open Morning will be on 1st, 6th, 17th and 22nd November.  Contact the Registrar to book your place for the Senior School and Sixth Form events and entrance exams. Admissions Policy Girls looking to get into The Lady Eleanor Holles School at 7+ or 11+ must complete and return their registration form, registration fee, and two identical passport sized photographs to the Registrar before 1st December the year prior to entry. Likewise, girls entering Sixth Form must also complete and return their registration form, registration fee, and two identical passport sized photographs to the Registrar before 10th October the year prior to entry. What are The Lady Eleanor Holles School interviews and examinations like, and how can I do well? If your daughter is entering at 7+, she will first sit two tests in English and Mathematics. LEH will base her academic potential on these results and, if she does well, will invite her to participate in a group activity day with other candidates to assess her social skills and attitude. If your daughter is entering at 11+, she will also sit tests in English and Mathematics, as well as in Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. If LEH thinks your daughter will thrive at their school academically, she will be invited back for an interview. Finally, girls entering at 16+ will write a general Data Analysis paper and four subject specific papers in their nominated A Levels. If your daughter chooses an A Level she has not studied before, she will instead write a entrance examination paper for that subject, the aim of which is to measure her potential, rather than rote knowledge of the subject. As in the lower entry levels, if you daughter does well on her exams, she will be invited to interview with senior members of LEH’s staff. Although LEH does not specify any particular way girls might prepare for their admissions exams and interviews, your daughter may benefit from revising her current school work or writing timed practice tests at home. For an extra boost, consider checking out the number of resource centres available online, or booking a tutor below. Good luck! If you would like more advice on The Lady Eleanor Holles School Admissions: Please note:  Tutorfair is not in anyway affiliated with Lady Elenor Holles School. Tutors who help with school admissions are those who consider they have experience with the admissions process and are completely independent from the school. 1. Search for  11 plus tutors  or Admissions tutors  and your postcode. Tutorfair will show you the top tutors who have the most experience preparing students for entrance exams and interview practice. 2. Contact tutors, view and compare tutor profiles, and send your chosen tutors messages before you buy your lessons. 3. Book and pay for lessons. Pay securely through the website, stress-free: your first hour will be covered by the Tutorfair Satisfaction Guarantee. 4. Make a difference. For every student who pays, we give free tutoring to a child who can't.

October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges (Part IV)

October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges (Part IV) Check out whos taking up our Language Challenge! If youre taking the Language Challenge and really want to succeed, were giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge! Why would you ever want to do this? (Click here for more details) Please take some time to motivate and encourage our Public Video Pledge Challengers by commenting on their Notebook entries! This is the fourth blog listing of October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges o_O And the Pledges just keep on coming! Watch them on our first 3 posts below: PART I HERE PART II HERE PART III HERE Hannah from Canada is learning Japanese Hannah seems pretty motivated: she loves the Japanese language and wants be more confident when speaking it. I totally understand, Japanese is a beautiful language. Its so soft and melodic, if you dont believe me check out her video below. You can tell her how good she sounds on her Notebook entry! Jan from the UK is learning Spain Jan came back from her trip to Spain a little frustrated. Hey, I get it, its hard speaking a language with native speakers when you lack the confidence. Thats what italki is for! Im sure the October Language Challenge will improve your Spanish in leaps and bounds. Spaniards of italki! Leave a comment on her Notebook entry! If I might venture a correction: conciencia means conscience. You probably meant to say confianza ?? Great accent btw!!! Paulo from Brazil is learning English Paulo is a Portuguese teacher learning English. Hes really good at it but he hopes that by the end of the challenge he will be able to speak without pausing as much. Paulo, complete the challenge and youll see how much better youll get! Fluency is just around the corner! He wrote down his objectives on his Notebook entry LilBrito from Spain is learning English LilBrito is definitely being too hard on herself, her English is already very good! But she wants to get it up to a professional level, and we commend her for that. By the end of the month she will be able to have job interviews in English like its nobodys business. Any tips? Write them here > Notebook entry Ian from the United States is learning Cebuano Cebuano is a language spoken in the Philippines by 20 million people, the largest native language community despite not being taught in schools (source: wikipedia). Ians goal > to be able to communicate with his family in Cebu, one of the noblest goals in my humble opinion. Do you have any similar stories? Direct them to his Notebook entry! Its remarkable how you can hear some spanish words in the mix! Tony from the United States is learning Korean Tonys goal is to learn Korean so that he can communicate better with all the Koreans living in Hawaii with him. Im no expert, but his accent seems pretty good! What do you guys think? Let him know on his Notebook entry! Sandrah from the United States is learning Catalan Its great to see another italki Challenge veteran take yet another Challenge. Were really impressed with Sandrah as she was one of the Challenge winners from World Cup Challenge. This time she is out to re-learn Catalan (a language she learned 4-5 years ago but completed forgot (or so she says as she speaks pretty fluently in her video below)). Give Sandrah some love in her Notebook entry! By the way, Sandrah is also a Community Tutor as well. Not sure how these guys pull of learning a language and teaching at the same time but more power to them! Liwin from the Netherlands is learning Chinese Liwin is NEW to italki and has decided to take the plunge immediately and learn Chinese. Shes starting a bit late so has some catch up to do. Shes studied Chinese for 4 years but never had an opportunity to start speaking it. At least with the Challenge, shell get 12 hours (or more) of speaking time! Were sure that she will do well though! Pierre Bredel from the Brazil is learning English Pierre Bredel is yet another Challenger champion having participated in our World Cup Challenge! This time around he is going to take on English (he learned French the last time). Cheer Pierre on by commenting on his Notebook entry! Joshua from the United States is learning Spanish Joshua sent us his Public Video Pledge! He wants to be able to speak more confidently by the end of the month, so that he can communicate with other Spanish-speakers fluently. Check out his video below and drop some words of encouragement on his Notebook entry! Buen ritmo Joshua! Mucha suerte con tu desafío ?? October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges (Part IV) Check out whos taking up our Language Challenge! If youre taking the Language Challenge and really want to succeed, were giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge! Why would you ever want to do this? (Click here for more details) Please take some time to motivate and encourage our Public Video Pledge Challengers by commenting on their Notebook entries! This is the fourth blog listing of October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges o_O And the Pledges just keep on coming! Watch them on our first 3 posts below: PART I HERE PART II HERE PART III HERE Hannah from Canada is learning Japanese Hannah seems pretty motivated: she loves the Japanese language and wants be more confident when speaking it. I totally understand, Japanese is a beautiful language. Its so soft and melodic, if you dont believe me check out her video below. You can tell her how good she sounds on her Notebook entry! Jan from the UK is learning Spain Jan came back from her trip to Spain a little frustrated. Hey, I get it, its hard speaking a language with native speakers when you lack the confidence. Thats what italki is for! Im sure the October Language Challenge will improve your Spanish in leaps and bounds. Spaniards of italki! Leave a comment on her Notebook entry! If I might venture a correction: conciencia means conscience. You probably meant to say confianza ?? Great accent btw!!! Paulo from Brazil is learning English Paulo is a Portuguese teacher learning English. Hes really good at it but he hopes that by the end of the challenge he will be able to speak without pausing as much. Paulo, complete the challenge and youll see how much better youll get! Fluency is just around the corner! He wrote down his objectives on his Notebook entry LilBrito from Spain is learning English LilBrito is definitely being too hard on herself, her English is already very good! But she wants to get it up to a professional level, and we commend her for that. By the end of the month she will be able to have job interviews in English like its nobodys business. Any tips? Write them here > Notebook entry Ian from the United States is learning Cebuano Cebuano is a language spoken in the Philippines by 20 million people, the largest native language community despite not being taught in schools (source: wikipedia). Ians goal > to be able to communicate with his family in Cebu, one of the noblest goals in my humble opinion. Do you have any similar stories? Direct them to his Notebook entry! Its remarkable how you can hear some spanish words in the mix! Tony from the United States is learning Korean Tonys goal is to learn Korean so that he can communicate better with all the Koreans living in Hawaii with him. Im no expert, but his accent seems pretty good! What do you guys think? Let him know on his Notebook entry! Sandrah from the United States is learning Catalan Its great to see another italki Challenge veteran take yet another Challenge. Were really impressed with Sandrah as she was one of the Challenge winners from World Cup Challenge. This time she is out to re-learn Catalan (a language she learned 4-5 years ago but completed forgot (or so she says as she speaks pretty fluently in her video below)). Give Sandrah some love in her Notebook entry! By the way, Sandrah is also a Community Tutor as well. Not sure how these guys pull of learning a language and teaching at the same time but more power to them! Liwin from the Netherlands is learning Chinese Liwin is NEW to italki and has decided to take the plunge immediately and learn Chinese. Shes starting a bit late so has some catch up to do. Shes studied Chinese for 4 years but never had an opportunity to start speaking it. At least with the Challenge, shell get 12 hours (or more) of speaking time! Were sure that she will do well though! Pierre Bredel from the Brazil is learning English Pierre Bredel is yet another Challenger champion having participated in our World Cup Challenge! This time around he is going to take on English (he learned French the last time). Cheer Pierre on by commenting on his Notebook entry! Joshua from the United States is learning Spanish Joshua sent us his Public Video Pledge! He wants to be able to speak more confidently by the end of the month, so that he can communicate with other Spanish-speakers fluently. Check out his video below and drop some words of encouragement on his Notebook entry! Buen ritmo Joshua! Mucha suerte con tu desafío ?? October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges (Part IV) Check out whos taking up our Language Challenge! If youre taking the Language Challenge and really want to succeed, were giving away 50ITC if you make a Public Video Pledge! Why would you ever want to do this? (Click here for more details) Please take some time to motivate and encourage our Public Video Pledge Challengers by commenting on their Notebook entries! This is the fourth blog listing of October Language Challenge Public Video Pledges o_O And the Pledges just keep on coming! Watch them on our first 3 posts below: PART I HERE PART II HERE PART III HERE Hannah from Canada is learning Japanese Hannah seems pretty motivated: she loves the Japanese language and wants be more confident when speaking it. I totally understand, Japanese is a beautiful language. Its so soft and melodic, if you dont believe me check out her video below. You can tell her how good she sounds on her Notebook entry! Jan from the UK is learning Spain Jan came back from her trip to Spain a little frustrated. Hey, I get it, its hard speaking a language with native speakers when you lack the confidence. Thats what italki is for! Im sure the October Language Challenge will improve your Spanish in leaps and bounds. Spaniards of italki! Leave a comment on her Notebook entry! If I might venture a correction: conciencia means conscience. You probably meant to say confianza ?? Great accent btw!!! Paulo from Brazil is learning English Paulo is a Portuguese teacher learning English. Hes really good at it but he hopes that by the end of the challenge he will be able to speak without pausing as much. Paulo, complete the challenge and youll see how much better youll get! Fluency is just around the corner! He wrote down his objectives on his Notebook entry LilBrito from Spain is learning English LilBrito is definitely being too hard on herself, her English is already very good! But she wants to get it up to a professional level, and we commend her for that. By the end of the month she will be able to have job interviews in English like its nobodys business. Any tips? Write them here > Notebook entry Ian from the United States is learning Cebuano Cebuano is a language spoken in the Philippines by 20 million people, the largest native language community despite not being taught in schools (source: wikipedia). Ians goal > to be able to communicate with his family in Cebu, one of the noblest goals in my humble opinion. Do you have any similar stories? Direct them to his Notebook entry! Its remarkable how you can hear some spanish words in the mix! Tony from the United States is learning Korean Tonys goal is to learn Korean so that he can communicate better with all the Koreans living in Hawaii with him. Im no expert, but his accent seems pretty good! What do you guys think? Let him know on his Notebook entry! Sandrah from the United States is learning Catalan Its great to see another italki Challenge veteran take yet another Challenge. Were really impressed with Sandrah as she was one of the Challenge winners from World Cup Challenge. This time she is out to re-learn Catalan (a language she learned 4-5 years ago but completed forgot (or so she says as she speaks pretty fluently in her video below)). Give Sandrah some love in her Notebook entry! By the way, Sandrah is also a Community Tutor as well. Not sure how these guys pull of learning a language and teaching at the same time but more power to them! Liwin from the Netherlands is learning Chinese Liwin is NEW to italki and has decided to take the plunge immediately and learn Chinese. Shes starting a bit late so has some catch up to do. Shes studied Chinese for 4 years but never had an opportunity to start speaking it. At least with the Challenge, shell get 12 hours (or more) of speaking time! Were sure that she will do well though! Pierre Bredel from the Brazil is learning English Pierre Bredel is yet another Challenger champion having participated in our World Cup Challenge! This time around he is going to take on English (he learned French the last time). Cheer Pierre on by commenting on his Notebook entry! Joshua from the United States is learning Spanish Joshua sent us his Public Video Pledge! He wants to be able to speak more confidently by the end of the month, so that he can communicate with other Spanish-speakers fluently. Check out his video below and drop some words of encouragement on his Notebook entry! Buen ritmo Joshua! Mucha suerte con tu desafío ??